Sunday, January 15, 2012

Books I've Won Recently!

I've recently become [slightly] obsessed with entering blog giveaways.  I'd say in the past two weeks I've entered about 300 blog giveaways contests.  All my hard work has paid off because I've won several contests. I'd like to thank those authors/bloggers who have given me some awesome books to read, one of which I've already finished!  Here they are:

From YA Between the Lines I won the Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy in e-book format!

From Lena Coakley, I won her book Witchlanders - which should be winging its way towards me in hard copy format:

I won two e-books from Elle Strauss - Clockwise and It's a Little Haywire.


G.P. Ching gave me my choice of e-book, and after much debate I chose Open Minds:

Just for entering some of the giveaways, the bloggers/authors gave everyone who entered a free e-book (or two).  Here those are from Angela Carlie and Sarra Cannon:


And I feel like I should mention that I won two signed books in a before Christmas giveaway - both hard copies one from Marley Gibson:

and the other from Debbie Viguie:

Thank you all so much!  It is still so crazy to me that I can be so in touch with so many awesome authors and other book lovers.  I'll [hopefully] post reviews for all of these books as soon as I read them all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh snap that is awesome!! Lucky you! Wolves of Mercy Falls is an amazing trilogy!

    Ana @ BookSpark
